Coq Repository at Nijmegen
The CoRN library has very roughly been developed in the following stages, chronologically:
- Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and the algebraic hierarchy. (Geuvers, Pollack, Wiedijk and Zwanenburg)
- Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, closely following the Bishop-Bridges book on Constructive Analysis. (PhD: Cruz-Filipe, advisor: Geuvers)
- Program extraction for real computation (Cruz-Filipe, Letouzey, Spitters)
- Abstract model of the real numbers (PhD: Niqui, advisor: Geuvers)
- Efficient computation with real numbers and metric spaces (PhD: O'Connor, advisor: Spitters)
- Riemann integration (O'Connor, Spitters)
- Interface with Coq's standard library reals (Kaliszyk, O'Connor).
- ForMath
project (Spitters, Krebbers, van der Weegen, Makarov):
- Fast computation inside Coq
- Development of the math-classes library using type classes.
- Development of a simple ODE-solver.
See the publications section for a longer description.